Schedule & Routine

2024-2025 Mountain Kayak Polo and Roll Session Dates:

Fall Season 2024: 10/24-12/12 (6 weeks, no polo on Halloween 10/31, Thanksgiving 11/28)
Winter Season 2025:  1/9 – 2/27 (8 weeks)
Spring Season 2025:   3/06 – 4/24 (8 weeks)

A typical polo night goes from ~8:00 pm to ~10:30 pm on the above Thursdays at EPIC in Fort Collins. Everyone can start bringing gear in at 8:00. If you’re playing polo, please show up close to that time so that there’s time to get gear in, get dressed, and help with pool setup. Play will start promptly at 8:30 pm and go until 10:00 pm. Roll sessions will be held at the same time as polo in the small east pool on every polo night. We must all be out of the building by 10:30 pm!

NOTE: Everyone must pay and sign a release form BEFORE getting in the pool. You can sign a waiver online here: FCKP Waiver (We will also have release forms at the pool if the online system isn’t working.) You can also pay ahead of time using MKP’s Square Store, for more info on fees see our Costs Page.


  • If you’re using your own gear, it MUST BE CLEAN. No dirt, leaves, etc. Bring your gear in through the SOUTH pool door only (not the lobby!).
  • If you’re using club gear, you’re responsible for getting your boat out of our gear storage area and putting it back in when you’re finished. Also note that polo has priority for club gear, so you may need to surrender your boat for polo play if there isn’t enough for everyone.
  • If you’re rolling and find yourself intrigued by polo, you can try polo out for one night at roll session rates. Note that you do need to use a club polo boat to try polo — unpadded whitewater boats are too dangerous on the polo court.


  • If you’re using your own boat, it MUST BE CLEAN. If you don’t own a polo boat, we strongly recommend using club polo boats, there are plenty of them. If you must use your own whitewater boat because you’re too tall/small for our polo boats, it MUST be padded on BOTH ENDS with at least 1″ of foam. (Nobody likes broken ribs or other bits, and whitewater boats are too pointy and hard in the unpadded state.)
  • Starting about 20 minutes before the games, we’ll have a polo sign up sheet on the scoring table by the pool. As you come in, make sure that you sign in.
  • Help with pool setup (bring in gear, help with goal setup), get dressed, and be ready to play on time.
  • We’ll make up as many evenly-skilled teams as we can by the start of play, and distribute any late arrivals evenly among the teams. (Let us know if you’ll be late if possible, it helps us make better teams!)
  • The schedule for the night will depend on how many teams we form, and will be enforced by the team running the scoring table.  Each team will get at least two games per night.
  • If your team isn’t playing, you shouldn’t be on the polo court. You should be helping at the scoring table or reffing.
  • The schedule and team list will always be at the scoring table.  If you don’t know what team you’re on or when they play, ask at the table.
  • After we finish, plan to help with cleanup for ~15 mins at the end of the night. It goes much faster when everyone pitches in!  We need to be out of the pool area half an hour after the end of games.
  • If you’re over 21, join us for a beer (or your beverage of choice, we don’t judge) at The Trailhead Tavern.